the life and times of Nick Pregler


About Me

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North Dartmouth, MASS, United States
bottom lines... lindsey bateman fixed gears shoes cod4 ART OF SORTS

Wednesday, February 11

work work work

did not more from that spot for like 5 hrs...

i work a lot yesterday like from 9-6 on this fucking computer. but its all goo im caught up in work and just have some minor things to change on my cookbook... but me and Matt ragged MGMT for the win most of the time and some other nice tunes
MGMT for the win

it got warmer yesterday as the day went along Shawn's going to be pissed coming back from Japan to this hahahah

footwear of the day
took out some shit i al most for got i had still...
went to work after class all day then went to Justins for Ilidio's 21's he was shitty really shitty hahahah

but ill leave you with this

Kids - MGMT