the life and times of Nick Pregler


About Me

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North Dartmouth, MASS, United States
bottom lines... lindsey bateman fixed gears shoes cod4 ART OF SORTS

Tuesday, February 10

just another day at UMass

well to day was mostly uneventful... just class some hookah video games and such

but took some photos and am going to seriously start documenting my life... i feel it needs to happen. mostly due that i dont live near my family and other than when im home most of them nor my friends dont get to see what im up to. so check up on this more often to see how im doing and such...

FEB 10th
the snow almost gone...
FEB 10th
this ugly campus...
FEB 10th
footwear for the day...
FEB 10th
and exhibit in the campus gallery "practice love 2009" open from 01/26/09 to 02/17/09 by Professor Yoon Soo Lee
very cool mixed media stuff
FEB 10th
a little closer
FEB 10th
thanks for dinner riss and liz also hi pat
FEB 10th
justine and the ever so lovely lindsey
FEB 10th
just playing some skate2
FEB 10th
Johnny and Jim respectively
FEB 10th
john just looking for new G-1 apps ... iPhone for the WIN!!!
FEB 10th
i just recently acquired a lot of free monster... we have been passing them around
FEB 10th
johnny just hookahing
FEB 10th